I get to go to bed every night and wake up beside my biggest supporter, my encourager, my best friend.
I get to work at a job where I get to spend every day serving children and their parents.
I say this right now because I am overflowing with thanksgiving to a Savior who heard my many cries and pleas for these very things years ago. And I never want to stop thanking him for his provision. He just keeps opening up doors and ways for me to learn and grow and I know that he is still working on me, still shaping me and molding me into the person that I am becoming.
Soon after I started my new part-time job back in January, I was offered the opportunity to work an additional part-time job through my company for our parish's school system. Life got busy really fast and in the midst of it all, God used my husband to help me see it all as a growing experience. I look back at the past few months now and can totally see God in it all. These past few months have offered me opportunities to grow as a professional and as a person that I would never have received otherwise. God has placed all the right people in my path at just the right time. I am blessed with so many mentors and so much support from co-workers and friends. My joy is abundant.
I am thankful for my job, but I'm also thankful for days of rest and relaxation. Me and Andrew have been working a lot at home lately too - doing some major remodeling of the house we have been blessed with for a time. (More on that later). Anyway, we very much enjoy the opportunity for "play days" and especially when we get to share them with great family and friends!
Andrew's parents decided to get horses! We were so excited to welcome a mare and two ponies home to Tri Oaks Farm!
My mother-in-law with beautiful Ma'Mere |
And our sweet Avery Mae turned one year old on March 21st!! And I attempted making her a birthday cake that I guessed turned out really well because she didn't complain one bit! She really is the best dog. And we spoil her to death and treat her like our child but that's okay, every dog should be so lucky to have so much love!
We also celebrated Andrew's brother, Nic's birthday with a crawfish boil! Andrew made some of the best crawfish I've ever had! This is a picture of us afterwards peeling the leftovers so we can make some more yummy dishes!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful week! Please excuse my rambling post.. I hope to get back to blogging more soon!
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