Monday, August 19, 2013

A Place to Call our Own

Andrew and I have been blessed with a small three bedroom "fixer upper" to live in since we got married. It  was built in the 80s and still retained much of its original character. We have done some major updates during the time we have been here and have enjoyed making it our home. However, we have always known that our time here was temporary. We have dreamed about owning our own place since we were engaged. We actually looked at several houses in the months leading up to our wedding and came very close to making an offer on one particular house, but at the last minute, decided that it wasn't the right time. We have continued to look at houses since then but nothing has felt "right" to us... that is, until we started playing with the idea of building our own home and found this amazing piece of land in our favorite subdivision...

Could it be for sale? We didn't know at the time, we just knew that most of the land in this subdivision had already been sold to contractors for new construction. Andrew, being the dreamer that he is, had already started imagining us here. I agreed that it did feel right, but was hesitant to get my hopes up, not wanting to be disappointed if it was already sold. We contacted our realtor the following day who was able to find out more information for us and offer realistic advice.We prayed that if this was not where God would have us, he would close the doors altogether.

Our realtor was able to confirm that the land was for sale and a week later we made an offer which was accepted the very next day. We are so excited and tremendously blessed to call this little piece of land ours and to begin to dream about what lies ahead.

We took Avery out to the property for the first time last night and we are pretty sure she loved it!

We are going to wait a year or so before we start to build. Meanwhile, we are praying and gathering wisdom from our family and friends. Feel free to share any tips you have on building a house! This is definitely a first for us and we appreciate any advice you may have to share!


  1. Congrats!! How exciting! It is beautiful property and looks like Avery already feels at home.

  2. Congratulations! That is so exciting!
