Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Two Years.

On Monday Andrew & I celebrated two years. Two years. How is that even possible? Just yesterday I was walking down the aisle of our church with the cutest boy waiting at the altar. Just yesterday we were dancing to Frank Sinatra in his parent’s front yard surrounded by our family and friends. But two years worth of memories bridge the gap between then and now and convince me that here we are. Two years later. 

As I was just reminiscing on how absolutely wonderful our wedding day was, the thought hit me that if someone was to offer me the chance to go back to that day, my answer would always be no. Because as wonderful as that day was, today is even better. Today – with all of its messiness and chaos that is life – is so much sweeter because of the days in between that have shaped us. The days that were hard and we woke up a little less giddy than on that first morning. The days that broke us down and forced us to rely on each other. The days that we learned what made each other tick – and the days we learned how to love in each others language. 

Every time we were forced to sit down and have the hard conversation, to say the hard words, to extend forgiveness, to choose love. Every prayer that we uttered, every inside joke we shared, every time we danced in the kitchen. I am a much better person – we are a much better couple – than we even could have imagined that night as we swayed and twirled in our fancy clothes and our shiny new rings. We couldn’t have known that it was possible for our hearts to expand in such ways, to love deeper. For our hearts to actually feel like one and the same.

Andrew's love has taught me more about Christ's love in two years than I could have learned in a lifetime. He loves me when I am not lovable and extends grace when I definitely don't deserve it.

He is my biggest supporter, my most loyal friend, my forever dancing partner. I cannot wait to see what the next few years bring because I can't imagine loving him any more than I do now. My heart is full.

We were actually worried that we wouldn't get to spend our anniversary together because Andrew is working out of town most nights of the week right now. At the last minute he got to come home, but had to get up super early Tuesday morning to drive back to work. We are thankful for such small blessings.

Since we were on vacation last year we didn't eat our wedding cake so we dug it out of the freezer and tried to eat it - it was awful. You aren't missing anything if you have never tasted a 2 year old cake.

Happy anniversary to my sweet sweet husband!

And thanks to Courtney Fallin at for the use of these pictures and for doing such a fabulous job! The pictures were taken on our property where we plan to build a house next year so they are special to us. :-)